Sunday, April 8, 2007

A Slate Run Easter

Well, what can you say about Easter this year in Slate Run.....COLD! Deb Finkbinder,Whitney Bower, and Jessie Hoffman all get to work today at the Slate Run General Store and listen to everyone complain about the weather. Deb had a great frozen flower poem, which I can't remember, but you get the idea about the general mood.

Johnny Soltzfus came in to buy a can of pineapple for some pineapple pudding recipe he wanted to make that sounded like a diabetics coma waiting to happen. I guess sugar is a cure for the cold weather blues.
I looked high and low for the Easter Bunny today and was very disappointed until I returned home and found him sitting upon a plate.

Who could guess the Easter Bunny could take the shape of a pancake. This of course was an unfortunate shape for him to take since I devoured him in short order. Hope all of your Easter Bunnies taste good.

Mountain Girl, Paula, saying yum, yum!

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